The Club has a number of two-seater golf buggies available for hire.
Permission to use or hire a buggy will be granted subject to prevailing ground and weather conditions and on completion of the appropriate ‘Conditions of Use’ documentation.
We regret that, for heath and safety reasons, no privately owned buggies are permitted on the course.
Buggies may only be used during competitions on production of a medical certificate.
The Head Greenkeeper’s decision on whether buggies may be used on any given day will be final.
The Head Greenkeeper and Club Committee have requested that players using buggies adhere to the map and directions.
1st Hole - Keep to the right hand side rough and cut across the front of the first green.
2nd Hole - Drive to the bottom of the steps, leave buggy at the bottom of the steps. Drive round pathway to 3rd
3rd Hole - Keep to left hand side of the fairway, then through both openings at the road, then round the back of the 4th tee.
4th Hole - Cut across the area in front of the tee and keep to the left hand side of the fairway, then round the back of the 4th green along the pathway to the 5th tee.
5th Hole - Cut across the area in front of the tee and down the left hand side rough then across to the 6th tee.
6th Hole - Drive up the right hand side and cut through the opening in the fence, down the road then keep to the right hand side of the fairway, then back to the 7th tee. Be mindful throughout of golfers teeing off at the 7th tee and of pedestrians on the path.
7th Hole - Drive straight across the 6th fairway and keep to the left hand side rough, cut across short of the green and park at the right hand side of the 8th tee.
8th Hole - Keep to the left hand side rough and stop at the top of the slope. (Do not go down the hill to the green.) Then cut across to the 9th tees.
9th Hole - Drive along the pathway to the right of the hollow then cut across the fairway and up the left hand side rough and around the back of the green. Then go down gradual slope to the 10th tees. (Do not use the path on front of the 10th tee.)
10th Hole - Drive up the left hand side rough to the side of the green. Then drive straight across the 11th fairway and along-side the fence to the 11th tees.
11th Hole - Drive along the right hand side rough and cut across the fairway short of the bunker, then along the left hand side of the green to the 12th tees.
12th Hole - Drive along the left hand side path to the 12th green.
13th Hole - Drive up the right hand side of the fairway to the 13th green, then across to the 14th tee.
14th hole - Drive along the right-hand side of the rough then onto the path to the 15th tee.
15th hole - Drive along the right hand side rough to the green, then up the path and through both openings, across the road to the side of the 16th tee.
16th hole - Drive down the right-hand side rough and through gully on the fairway, then across to the path behind the 17th tee. (Do not drive down the right hand side of the fairway).
17th hole - Keep to the pathway down the right-hand side, then cut onto the fairway at either the second or third openings. Keep to the right hand side rough, then across the fairway in line with the 18th tees.
18th Hole - Cross the front of the 18th tees then carry on up the right hand side path, then park the buggy behind the 1st tee.
Thank you for your consideration of our course:
Buggy Guidance & Policies
Buggy Safety Policy Buggy Guidance Buggy directions - Green Buggy directions - Amber